OutChristian LGBTQ Seminary Scholarship Program
The OutChristian LGBTQ Seminary Scholarship is a $250 award offered to LGBTQ seminary students currently enrolled in or beginning their studies in a graduate level seminary program and who intend on pursuing a career in ministry. The scholarship is intended to assist with out-of-pocket expenses such as textbooks and other materials that are required for their studies. The number of scholarships available is limited and will vary from term to term.
The scholarship is awarded on through a combination of merit and need. Recipients are selected based on their goals for their ministry work, including specific plans for supporting and building up accessible community for LGBTQ Christians and supporters. Scholarship recipients will be required to show proof of enrollment and good standing with their seminary program.
Previous award recipients are eligible to apply again, but should note that preference may be given to first time recipients at the discretion of the review committee and based on available funds.
At this time, this program is only available to students enrolled at a U.S.-based seminary.
Application information:
Applications are open to any LGBTQ-identifying individual that will be enrolled in a graduate-level degree program at an accredited U.S.-based seminary school.
Applicants should submit the application form below by May 15, 2025.
A letter of recommendation from a current or recent instructor is required, and should be sent directly to OutChristian. Letters of recommendation must be postmarked no later than May 15, 2025. Emailed letters can be sent to info@outchristian.com and should be received no later than May 30, 2025. Letters should speak to the academic qualifications, capabilities, and potential of the applicant. Letters should be mailed directly by the recommending instructor and include a business card or other form of contact information.
Final selections will be made in a blind-review process, and recipients notified on or before June 20, 2025.
Recipients will be required to show proof of enrollment for the upcoming semester prior to receiving their scholarship award.
Upon completion of application, letters of recommendation should be mailed to:
c/o Scholarship Program
P.O. Box 49731
Colorado Springs, CO 80949
Letters and any materials attached will not be returned. All submitted applications, letters, materials, correspondence, and other documentation are kept confidential.
Questions? Feel free to reach out to us at info@outchristian.com.
The application has closed for this cycle.